Rating: 5.0 (2 votes)
20 minutes, Deathmatch 1, Teamplay 2
Mon 24 October 2005 on WarGamez.dk #43
low avg high team total players RA YA Quad
13 27 38 ]sr[ 175 4 48 62 12
14 30 52 ins! 153 4 54 55 8
ping pl frags team name Kills TKs Deaths RA YA QUAD
30 1 48 ]sr[ • crazymac 55 3 43 13 13 3
38 1 48 ]sr[ • javve 54 5 31 18 17 6
26 1 47 ins! optimizer 50 1 40 12 14 2
13 1 44 ]sr[ • ParadokS 48 3 46 11 12 2
25 1 43 ins! riker 47 2 72 17 11 2
52 1 42 ins! insane 45 3 49 10 14 3
26 1 35 ]sr[ • Goljat 43 4 70 6 20 1
14 1 21 ins! raket 28 2 57 15 16 1
43 1 spectator mickey 0 0 0 0 0 0
23 1 spectator vanquish 0 0 0 0 0 0
78 6 spectator muke 0 0 0 0 0 0
63 1 spectator op3l 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 25 spectator jOn 0 0 0 0 0 0
43 1 spectator krab 0 0 0 0 0 0
39 1 spectator Diki•iop 0 0 0 0 0 0
35 1 spectator hixo 0 0 0 0 0 0
57 1 spectator bent 0 0 0 0 0 0
38 1 spectator lo_l 0 0 0 0 0 0
Award Score Winner(s)
Efficiency 61.5 • javve
Frag Streak 24 optimizer
Quad Runner 7 insane, optimizer
Spawn Fragger 9 insane
Unluckiest Spawner 10 riker
Tuesday 25 Oct 2005, 05:16
can some one report the game on EQL website please. Insanity, email me at s3rox@hotmail.com for user/pass if you do not have it.

how did game go?
Tuesday 25 Oct 2005, 07:22
dm2: 153:175
dm3: 110:132
ins! lost :(
Tuesday 25 Oct 2005, 13:22
OOOOOOOOOOMG nice to download demos now that u have spoiled it
Tuesday 25 Oct 2005, 17:52
i mostly only watch demos if i know the outcome, related to if i wanna see raping or close ones :)
Wednesday 26 Oct 2005, 04:57
WHINE! They're close ones anyway (at least dm2).
Friday 28 Oct 2005, 03:31
>> at least dm2
dm2 22 frags difference
dm3 22 frags difference
right? then why dm2 would be closer than dm3 :K ?
Friday 28 Oct 2005, 03:51
for those who are stupid and don't understand 22 frags is the same difference maybe? :E
Friday 28 Oct 2005, 09:41
Hagge the Spy :<
Saturday 29 Oct 2005, 16:23
gg raket
Saturday 29 Oct 2005, 16:28
dm2 is closer because insanity had the lead for a good amount of time. but then they lost all rls and good coordination from slackers turned the tables very quickly. raket stands out on a number of fight sequences as very incompetent... <3 <3 <3

dm3 has the same final frag difference, but slackers keep control more than they did in dm2, even though insanity gets fullstart (roflcopter whine by cmac after raket gets his one highlight reel moment at the very start). yeah, it is a very close dm3, but dm2 was closer
Tuesday 08 Nov 2005, 06:28
i dont like watching demos when knowing the result its like renting a movie and asking the clerkdude "whats the final plot in this so i know whether its sucky or not"
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